Thursday, February 11, 2010

Please don't put lipgloss on the cat

Dear Margo,

For your second birthday... you ate cereal for breakfast, then played with your sister. I snuck in some pictures before either of you could protest (how could I resist the matching dresses you had on??) You had playtime with mommy while Madeline was in school. You emptied an entire barrel of cat kibble on the floor, and delighted in fitting as much of it as possible into your mouth before I could stop you. A little while later, I caught you applying lipgloss to our cat, Samantha. You took a nap after we picked your sister up from school (who was so excited, she told her teachers and all of her friends about your special day). Spent the afternoon playing while Madeline and I decorated your Elmo cake. You graciously chatted on the phone with each person who called to wish you a happy birthday, saying "Have a good day. Here's mommy!" about 20 times to each person. We had breakfast for dinner, then birthday cake. Your eyes lit up when you saw your cake with glowing candles coming your way. After we let you "cut" your cake (hacking at Elmo's nose and eyes with a butter knife, if truth be told) you ate a few bites before tiring of the sugar. Madeline graciously shared the spotlight with you, showering you with kisses and wishing you happy birthday all afternoon. We went to Daddy's work to watch a theatre performance, and you "stole" (crashed?) the show by wandering onstage during one of the numbers. You danced to the music, and carried props you found in a box (stuffed animals and a baby) around the theatre, laying them down on chairs for "sleepy" after you nursed them. You snuck in the bathroom and put a cabbage patch doll on the potty to "go poopy." You hugged Daddy's colleague and his students, telling everyone, "I'm two" and holding up your two fingers. You sang and chatted all the way home, where you snuggled in your pajamas and went to sleep.

I love you, my little noodle.

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